26 May 2009

Lots of walking!

I walked over 60 blocks today!

First I went to the bookstore and I purchased a couple of the short stories I'll be reading for my literature classes this Fall. From there I went to the grocery store, where I picked up some toilet paper and a few other small necessities. The plan was then to go home, which I did.

Once I got home though, I realized that I really did have time to go to the rally that the Capitol that I'd been wanting to go to all day. Sure I have an opening shift at work tomorrow and I should be in bed before 9, but I'm only young once, and this is definitely a fight that I believe in. So I chugged some Dr Pepper for the sugar and caffeine, and off I went again!

The rally was nice. Though the party would have been better, I do understand what overturning a majority vote could do to our political system. We'll just have to take to the streets and organize better than we did before, and get it on the ballot again.

I also read in the park in my bathing suit today, which was nice and sweaty! I can't wait to do it again tomorrow! Maybe I'll have company then!