29 July 2008

I can tell that I've been busier than normal at work when I have a few things running through my head that I would like to post about, but I never get around to doing it. This is one of those times. I also attribute this to my current laptop that I am not happy with. Ace has been fine for a first laptop that I had nothing to do with picking, but he's 3 years old now I think, because I'm pretty sure I knew Voldemort and Mallory when I got him. Actually, I know for a fact that I did because I would not have known of the Ace that he is named after if I hadn't already met Mallory. I guess that means I'd met Socratic as well.

That reminds me! Mallory, if you want to go to their show let me know, I'll call Vinny and have him or Andy put you and Matt on the list. He and I still mention you every time that I see them, so I have no doubt that he'd like to see you.

Back to the lack of updating though. I hope to see an improvement in it soon, since I believe that Wilhemina will be arriving some time tomorrow and I'll have an awesome laptop! I really can't wait to have something that I should be able to know exactly what to expect from it on a regular basis. I'm a little apprehensive about getting used to the Mac controls, but I guess I'll figure it all out eventually.

Me updating today doesn't actually mean that I have any less work to do, so I'll get back to that and let you know when Wilma gets here!


mallory said...

Oooh tempting offer. Matt doesn't get off work until 6 though and I don't know if I'm ambitious enough to go alone! I guess by the time anything started he could be there though, so I don't know...I'll think about it. But not for too long since it's happening in like 2 days.