15 January 2009


I've been sleeping a lot lately. Like, a lot, a lot.

It has crossed my mind that this may be a symptom of things that I'd rather not see happening again, but since I'm not seeing any other symptoms to accompany it, I think I'll be ok. I think it has more to do with not having anything do to.

I would love to feel like I had space to do something and start sewing a bit, or making more jewelry, but I really don't feel like I can do that here. I'm trying pretty dang hard, but there always seems to be something that they're doing that feels like a slap in the face. At times I've thought about finding another roommate who is nit picky about the common areas being clean too, but I don't really think that would work.

I can't think of anything in this house that I use that belongs to one of my roommates, so at least other than moving costs it isn't really going to cost me anything to live on my own!


My Inspired Reality said...

Sleep is good, it regenerates you:)

Caroline D. said...

I think that sleep is what I do best. I love it. I'm in love with it. I want that sign.

Renee toeNja said...

I hope you can either move out or find some roommates who don't drive you crazy.

Unknown said...

sorry love! its hard to function without good sleep. believe me I know!! hugs!!

Anonymous said...

I'll sleep for you. Find some new roommates. Get some sleep!

Beth said...

Apparently I need more sleep. I thought your post said you weren't sleeping. Geeze.

I hope your roommate issues clear up. I hated having them. Hated. I finally moved to an efficiency just to get away from having to live with someone.