15 December 2007

New Year's

So, it's getting close to that time again.  time to make resolutions that we have every intention of, but know that we won't actually keep.

I'm hoping that this year i might actually keep up with them though.  Which is why I'm starting on them now.  I don't have too many so it's not at all impossible, but I don't remember being too successful with any resolutions, so wish me luck!

If I do make it through you will see a lot more updates here.  I've been told that blogs are a grand marketing tool for Etsy, and I like to be able to voice my opinion on random topics.  Those two things lead me to believe that I should be updating this on the hour!

I don't think that will happen, but maybe we'll go for at least twice a week.  That doesn't sound too bad.  

I would also like to keep up better with my flickr account. I will do that with new Etsy items as well as my second try at Project 365.

Next yeat is a leap year though, so I guess I'll actually be taking pictures of myself every day for 366 days.  Also, that page says just a pictue a day, my pictures will hopefully be self portraits.  Or maybe I'll do a couple and also do something like my food or surroundings or something.  Suggestions are suggested.